electriccars.com has always had a reputation for suggesting

things "way ahead of our time" and we are extremely happy people around

the world are finally seeing the benefits of going "green"

we are challenging your local city and state governments to join in the revolution

to end, finally, our addiction to gas by providing safe, clean and legally protected areas

within your cities as "green zones". In these zones, much like today's commuter lanes large gas

guzzling vehicles will be prohibited. Within these zones "green streets" will make it possible for low emission,

environmentally friendly cars to drive safely... without the threat of being slaughtered by SUV's and large trucks.

you can help! please, contact your local government representatives, businesses, news programs,

magazines and newspapers and make them aware that people are out there who would switch to smaller

eco-safe cars if the streets were not a "battle zone of steel"


GET INVOLVED! High Schools, Colleges, City Planners, Concerned Citizens
Start Your Own Projects and Present them to Your Local Governments


Discussions & Information

ElectricCars.com Project:
WESTWOOD TRINITY - The Worlds First Green Community

westwood trinity project

Lincoln Nebraska USA's First Green Community
- Green City Plan (example)

Palm Springs, California - EV Town USA


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we know this proposal will be met with objections... but, we know with your help it will succeed! contacts