Beautiful, Huh?





GOOD: Natural gas is everywhere. It's a biproduct of drilling for oil and is currently cheaper than oil.

BAD: Natural gas is a commodity, like oil and water. And, history proves time and again that corporate greed will take a hold of "nat-gas" sources, feed our dependancy until we are "NG addicts". Just like we are gas addicts today. Prices of nat-gas will rise, just like oil... it's the same situation all over.

UGLY: If you live in a cold climate you know how PAINFUL those December, January and February natural gas bills are... Imagine if 300 Million cars were sucking the NG supply too! Demand fo NG would increase sending your nat-gas bills through your roof.

WORSE: Nat-gas sales people are pitching how convenient it will be to have a "NG TUBE" right in your garage! HOLY COW, have you seen a house blow up because of a leaky NG pipe???

Explosive Technologies? Why?

Now, they want a NG pipe lying around our garage? Most people can't even find their lawn mowers there's so much junk thrown around the place!

And, Wait until teenagers find out how fun it is to use the NG pipe to shoot 15 foot flames into the air! Hilarious!!!

Photo: Rock band Kiss showing teenagers how it's done... 3rd degree burns that is.

UNSPEAKABLE: A nat-gas arson kit in every garage. Any questions?


CONCLUSION: Let's cure the gas addiction, not replace it.




NEWS STORY: A quiet neighborhood near the intersection of anywhere USA was shaken anyday afternoon when any house exploded and went up in flames after a anyone accidently struck a natural gas line.

But the owner of the house, joe public was unhurt ( this time ) . And remarkably unshaken. He was quoted as saying "I forgot my NG pipe was there"... Apparently a spark from his power saw ignited the gas. Spectators reported an amazing plume of fire rose about the normally tranquil neighborhood.

Authorities anticipate more NG mishaps. For the complete story, see the future if we let NG supporters get there way!



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