Hybrid cars feature electric generators that are built into the drivetrain that recharge onboard batteries while you are driving.

There is no need to plug the car in to recharge. Most people like this because the car requires no extra effort. You just fill the tank up with gas every couple weeks like a "normal car".

But, we ask... how much of an inconvenience is it to plug in your electric car? It takes approximately 5-10 seconds!


Currently, most electric cars need a recharge every 50-200 miles. But, battery technology is improving greatly every couple years now. So, it is likely any electric car you purchase today will be able to go 2 times or even 10 times as far on a charge when you replace the batteries.

GOOD: Hybrid cars are a good first attempt by the auto industry to sell cars to people who are leary of electric vehicles. Overall, they will eliminate 5 to 20 percent of gas usage. Future technologies promise more milage and efficiency.

BAD: Hybrid cars have been receiving poor reviews. Many manufacturers overstated the fuels savings of their hybrids and hybrid owners have calculated actual savings almost half of what was quoted.

CONCLUSION: In the long run the only cure for the world's oil addiction is the complete phase out of gas powered engines.

MORE INFO: View hybrid cars in our E-CARS listings. Also, try our GAS USAGE CALULATOR to compare savings.


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this information and does not guarantee the operational factors, mechanical workings or financial outcome of the use of any vehicle.

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