Government Failure 2003-2004

Are the leaders of our countries controlled by big business, influenced by oil companies and "sponsored" by big money investors?


Populations control their government leaders indirectly over the long term. This means that "So as the people go, so will the leaders".

Oil and Fuel prices have continued to climb since 2001 due to the constantly increasing demands of the population. Gas prices are predicted to increase by 200 percent by 2005.

Government leaders might need major cash contributions from large business to pay for their campaigns but in the long run it is the people who have the power to influence politicians and change the course of history.


Here in the United States a vast number of car owners have chosen to drive high cost - low mileage SUV's (Sport utility vehicles). Drivers say they feel "safer in a large vehicle because of all the other large vehicles on he road".

Now people are even buying surplus Army vehicles that have been cleverly disguised as "family vehicles".


LEFT: "Hummer" High cost freeway assault vehicle - Driven by small humans who want to appear large
MIDDLE: Future "Angry Soccer Mom" vehicle purchased with a guarantee to never be cut off on the hiway
RIGHT: 2007 Nissan "Traffic Clearer" commute car specially made for impatient drivers in Los Angeles

"We the people" have created oil shortages, high fuel costs by demanding low mileage vehicles and most people have rejected Electric Cars, economy cars, bikes, wind power, solar energy, and the other technologies that would have made life better on earth today.

When the major auto manufacturers introduced Electric Cars in 1997 at the Los Angeles auto show I heard more snickering, laughter and negative comments then were said about the "pet rock"... Many of these comments were quoted at corporate board meetings after the show -

Now President Bush is voting in legislation to cut more trees in our forests, drill for more oil off our coastlines, clear natural lands to be used for logging and empowered power companies to lower their clean air filtering standards.


What can You do to Help?

Speak up!.

We live in a civilized democracy that people have fought and died for for hundreds of years. Write a letter to your Congressman, these letters are bullets he/she will use at government meetings. Write and article and submit it to your local newspaper, these letters influence writers to find new subjects. Create a webpage and post it on the web.

Don't waste your time marching in the streets with signs and flags. We all know these "rally's" are just oversized tail gate parties and it embarrasses us all to have "ecology lovers" trample the flowers in the parks to prove their causes. Recently in southern california a bunch of "earth loving ecology buffs" spray painted pro-earth grafitti on new cars at several southern california auto dealerships... This ticked off people and showed how "some people" are using pollution issues to justify destroying property and to vent their anger towards their parents... What were they thinking?

Invite other people around you to form an opinion. Ask your neighbors what they think, but please don't tell them what to think., If you are right people will follow...


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