Electric Car Distributors is proud to bring you
the Humdingers. These highly designed
vehicles are made for style and fun. They
practically go and do anything. Any neighborhood,
ranch, golf course, or private gated community
could use one. Take the Humdinger just about
anywhere. With the looks and aah's you get in
your Humdinger you'll be the awe of the town.
At Electric Car Distributors, we are always
introducing new styles. The Humdingers come
in two models, The Sport-4 and the Class-6, and a
dizzying array of options to suit nearly any taste.
Starting with turf-legal, street or off-road tires,
the dual rear wheel brakes, self-adjusting rack and
pinion steering, leaf spring suspension, hydraulic
shock absorbers and auto flex body give these
vehicles an outstanding sporty feel to their drive.
And if you're more into speed, high speed motors
with special gearing are obtainable . Optional
accessories and amenities are available such as
burlwood or carbon fiber dash, halogen spot lights,
custom paint and upholstery, AM/FM CD player,
cellphone charger, color TV and video, canvas tops,
and even a 1 ton electric winch. And of course,
golf bag holders are also available.
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