Suggestions, Comments & Corrections

SUGGESTIONS: Since 1996 we have been working on delivering the best and MOST USEFUL information to our members. If you know of any new elctric cars, companies, technology, news articles, websites, government agencies, etc that will be beneficial to our cause please let us know!

WE KNOW THERE'S MILLIONS OF WEBPAGES OUT THERE CONCERNING ELECTRIC CARS - Our goal from day one has always been to screen the millions of facts (and fiction) and to convey only the most useful, up to date and non-repetitive, non-super-technical aspects of this industry to our members.

Afterall, the vast majority of our members are normal, everyday drivers... not engineers... So, please don't expect us to display current battery voltage specs, info about some car that is a concept, or a company that is not actively contributing to this industry or that is too new to confirm it's actions... The goal is to never fill up our website with 10,000 pages of "stuff".

Please refer to our TOPICS SECTION to join in discussions about electric cars. If your comments benefit the EV world they deserve to be seen by the public. If you have comments about our website we welcome them here.

COMPLAINTS: "You can please all of the people some of the time... but..." If you are dissappointed with our website we are truly sorry. We have invested thousands of hours into our website but every blue moon we have a member comment negatively. (usualy someone we find out has done nothing to contribute to curing the gas problem)

Our website stands as one of the most honest, with the least complaints and issues OF ANY WEBSITE we've seen. So much so, we make this standing offer - If you show us a website with more electric cars, more USEABLE information for the typical EV owner and more appealing user interface, displays etc we'll refund your membership.

However, many public "open forum" websites display thousands more listings of companies but many do not screen, evaluate or even view the listings... They just post anyone who fills out a form and calls themself an EV business... We do not consider these "non-selective" websites as viable. So, please don't suggest search engines and open forum websites.

We appreciate any constructive suggestions. Please be respectful as you can be held accountable for all comments made here. Please read our Membership Terms & Agreement Additionally, terms of refunds or adjustments are void after 3 months membership, are not applicable to data derived from search engines or government entities, If suggested information is found to be untrue we reserve the right stated in our membership terms to refuse member access for "any reason" and we deem wasting our time justifyable for termination. Fraudulent claims, insults, etc can be subject to legal actions we ask for comments to be made respectfully as we regard our members to the highest level of descency.